Game summary after the jump.
Player | Hero | Side | K | D | A | Gold Assists | LH | Denies | Gold/Min | Efficiency | Items (Partial List) |
EHOME.QQQ | Enchantress | Radiant | 5 | 9 | 12 | 9 | 107 | 0 | 210 | 38% | Magic Wand, Urn of Shadows, Drums of Endurance, Force Staff |
EHOME.Selenegodness\'s Ca | Brewmaster | Radiant | 3 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 126 | 5 | 237 | 43% | Magic Wand, Blink Dagger |
EHOME.KingJ | Crystal_maiden | Radiant | 3 | 7 | 13 | 12 | 90 | 5 | 192 | 35% | Ring of Basilius, Magic Wand, Force Staff |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Radiant | 8 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 379 | 15 | 437 | 79% | Bottle, Ring of Aquila, Magic Wand, Ethereal Blade, Black King Bar, Butterfly |
EHOME.X!~~ | Invoker | Radiant | 4 | 4 | 13 | 9 | 288 | 22 | 358 | 65% | Phase Boots, Magic Wand, Force Staff, Scythe Of Vyse |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Dire | 6 | 2 | 12 | 17 | 105 | 0 | 282 | 51% | Ring of Basilius, Headdress, Mekansm, Vladmir's Offering, Scythe Of Vyse | | Templar_assassin | Dire | 14 | 3 | 9 | 12 | 270 | 9 | 471 | 85% | Bottle, Phase Boots, Magic Wand, Blink Dagger, Black King Bar, Desolator, Scythe Of Vyse |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Dire | 9 | 7 | 17 | 16 | 212 | 4 | 421 | 76% | Soul Ring, Magic Wand, Drums of Endurance, Black King Bar, Assault Cuirass |
coL.HANNAH_MONTANA | Tidehunter | Dire | 3 | 4 | 19 | 18 | 114 | 1 | 275 | 50% | Magic Wand, Pipe of Insight, Shiva's Guard |
coL.ixmike88 | Venomancer | Dire | 4 | 7 | 25 | 20 | 66 | 2 | 250 | 45% | Magic Wand, Urn of Shadows, Force Staff |
Player.Name | Hero.Name | Side | Damage | Healing | Stuns | Slows | Runes | Tower Damage | Participation | Cohesiveness |
EHOME.QQQ | Enchantress | Radiant | 13680 | 11449 | 0 s | 44 s | 2 | 300 | 74% | 3.48 |
EHOME.Selenegodness\'s Ca | Brewmaster | Radiant | 10756 | 0 | 0 s | 285.75 s | 0 | 142 | 61% | 3.48 |
EHOME.KingJ | Crystal_maiden | Radiant | 12510 | 0 | 1.8 s | 301.5 s | 4 | 376 | 70% | 3.48 |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Radiant | 19347 | 0 | 9.42 s | 18 s | 4 | 2210 | 70% | 3.48 |
EHOME.X!~~ | Invoker | Radiant | 30088 | 0 | 91.9 s | 20 s | 2 | 1079 | 74% | 3.48 |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Dire | 13630 | 14947 | 0 s | 63 s | 0 | 3094 | 50% | 3.28 | | Templar_assassin | Dire | 24721 | 0 | 0 s | 429.25 s | 5 | 5272 | 64% | 3.28 |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Dire | 22324 | 0 | 103 s | 81 s | 2 | 5976 | 72% | 3.28 |
coL.HANNAH_MONTANA | Tidehunter | Dire | 19912 | 0 | 57.03 s | 156 s | 1 | 1061 | 61% | 3.28 |
coL.ixmike88 | Venomancer | Dire | 15341 | 2867 | 0 s | 604 s | 0 | 1173 | 81% | 3.28 |
Time | Side | Event | Player | Kill Score | Towers Left |
1.6 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Brewmaster | 1 - 0 | |
1.7 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Enchantress | 2 - 0 | |
1.7 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Chen | 2 - 1 | |
1.8 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Chen | 2 - 2 | |
2.4 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Venomancer | 2 - 3 | |
2.9 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Crystal_maiden | 3 - 3 | |
4.5 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Dragon_knight | 3 - 4 | |
6.0 | Radiant | Tidehunter is killed by | Morphling | 4 - 4 | |
6.1 | Radiant | Templar_assassin is killed by | Invoker | 5 - 4 | |
7.3 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Templar_assassin | 5 - 5 | |
8.1 | Radiant | Chen is killed by | Brewmaster | 6 - 5 | |
8.2 | Dire | Invoker is killed by | Dragon_knight | 6 - 6 | |
8.3 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Morphling | 7 - 6 | |
8.3 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Morphling | 8 - 6 | |
9.5 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Dragon_knight | 8 - 7 | |
9.5 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Dragon_knight | 8 - 8 | |
10.2 | RADIANT | RADIANT TOWER DENIED | | | 11 R-D 11 |
10.9 | RADIANT | TOWER DESTROYED - DIRE TIER 1 TOP | Brewmaster | | 11 R-D 10 |
13.5 | DIRE | Blink Dagger PURCHASED BY | Templar_assassin | | |
13.5 | RADIANT | Blink Dagger PURCHASED BY | Brewmaster | | |
14.1 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Tidehunter | 8 - 9 | |
14.2 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Templar_assassin | 8 - 10 | |
14.6 | DIRE | DIRE TOWER DENIED | | | |
14.7 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 1 BOT | Dragon_knight | | 10 R-D 10 |
15.2 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Morphling | 9 - 10 | |
15.3 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Venomancer | 9 - 11 | |
15.5 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Tidehunter | 9 - 12 | |
16.1 | DIRE | ROSHAN KILLED | DIRE | | |
16.1 | DIRE | AEGIS PICKED UP BY | Templar_assassin | | |
17.4 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 1 MID | Templar_assassin | | 9 R-D 10 |
17.8 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Templar_assassin | 9 - 13 | |
17.9 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Enchantress | 10 - 13 | |
18.4 | RADIANT | TOWER DESTROYED - DIRE TIER 1 MID | Morphling | | 9 R-D 8 |
19.2 | Radiant | Chen is killed by | Morphling | 11 - 13 | |
19.6 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Templar_assassin | 11 - 14 | |
19.6 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Brewmaster | 12 - 14 | |
19.8 | Radiant | Templar_assassin AEGIS LOST | Morphling | 12 - 14 | |
19.8 | Radiant | Tidehunter is killed by | Invoker | 13 - 14 | |
19.9 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Templar_assassin | 13 - 15 | |
20.0 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Kill Split | 13 - 16 | |
20.0 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Templar_assassin | 13 - 17 | |
21.1 | DIRE | Black King Bar PURCHASED BY | Templar_assassin | | |
22.9 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Templar_assassin | 13 - 18 | |
23.2 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 2 MID | Templar_assassin | | 8 R-D 8 |
27.6 | DIRE | ROSHAN KILLED | DIRE | | |
27.6 | DIRE | AEGIS PICKED UP BY | Dragon_knight | | |
27.8 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Templar_assassin | 13 - 19 | |
27.8 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Morphling | 14 - 19 | |
27.9 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Chen | 14 - 20 | |
28.8 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 2 BOT | Dragon_knight | | 7 R-D 8 |
29.8 | RADIANT | Scythe Of Vyse PURCHASED BY | Invoker | | |
29.9 | DIRE | Desolator PURCHASED BY | Templar_assassin | | |
30.7 | RADIANT | TOWER DESTROYED - DIRE TIER 2 BOT | Morphling | | 7 R-D 7 |
31.7 | RADIANT | Black King Bar PURCHASED BY | Morphling | | |
33.4 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Dragon_knight | 14 - 21 | |
33.7 | RADIANT | BUYBACK | Invoker | | |
33.7 | Dire | Invoker is killed by | Templar_assassin | 14 - 22 | |
33.7 | Radiant | Dragon_knight AEGIS LOST | Crystal_maiden | 14 - 22 | |
33.7 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Templar_assassin | 14 - 23 | |
33.8 | RADIANT | BUYBACK | Brewmaster | | |
33.9 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Templar_assassin | 14 - 24 | |
34.0 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Invoker | 15 - 24 | |
34.1 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Templar_assassin | 15 - 25 | |
34.2 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Crystal_maiden | 16 - 25 | |
36.1 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 3 MID | Chen | | 6 R-D 7 |
37.2 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Morphling | 17 - 25 | |
37.5 | RADIANT | BUYBACK | Morphling | | |
37.5 | Radiant | Tidehunter is killed by | Enchantress | 18 - 25 | |
37.5 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Chen | 18 - 26 | |
37.8 | Radiant | Templar_assassin is killed by | Enchantress | 19 - 26 | |
37.9 | DIRE | BUYBACK | Templar_assassin | | |
38.2 | Radiant | Templar_assassin is killed by | Crystal_maiden | 20 - 26 | |
38.4 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Dragon_knight | 20 - 27 | |
38.4 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Dragon_knight | 20 - 28 | |
38.6 | RADIANT | BUYBACK | Crystal_maiden | | |
38.6 | Radiant | Dragon_knight is killed by | Morphling | 21 - 28 | |
40.3 | DIRE | ROSHAN KILLED | DIRE | | |
40.3 | DIRE | AEGIS PICKED UP BY | Dragon_knight | | |
40.6 | Radiant | Venomancer is killed by | Enchantress | 22 - 28 | |
40.6 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Venomancer | 22 - 29 | |
40.9 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Tidehunter | 22 - 30 | |
41.3 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Templar_assassin | 22 - 31 | |
41.5 | DIRE | BARRACKS DESTROYED - RADIANT MELEE MID | Dragon_knight | | |
41.8 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 3 TOP | Templar_assassin | | 5 R-D 7 |
42.2 | Radiant | Tidehunter is killed by | Invoker | 23 - 31 | |
43.5 | Dire | Invoker is killed by | Chen | 23 - 32 | |
43.9 | RADIANT | BUYBACK | Invoker | | |
45.9 | RADIANT | Butterfly PURCHASED BY | Morphling | | |
50.8 | DIRE | ROSHAN KILLED | DIRE | | |
50.8 | DIRE | AEGIS PICKED UP BY | Templar_assassin | | |
51.1 | DIRE | Scythe Of Vyse PURCHASED BY | Chen | | |
52.4 | Dire | Morphling is killed by | Templar_assassin | 23 - 33 | |
52.4 | Dire | Crystal_maiden is killed by | Dragon_knight | 23 - 34 | |
52.5 | Dire | Brewmaster is killed by | Chen | 23 - 35 | |
52.5 | Dire | Enchantress is killed by | Venomancer | 23 - 36 | |
52.6 | Dire | Invoker is killed by | Dragon_knight | 23 - 37 | |
52.7 | GG | Good Game Message Given | GG | GG | GG |
52.9 | DIRE | TOWER DESTROYED - RADIANT TIER 4 | Templar_assassin | | 4 R-D 7 |
53.0 | DIRE | DIRE VICTORY | DIRE | | |
Player | Hero | Item | Game Time (Approx.) | Times Used | Total Effect | Avg Effect | Times Used Other | Total Effect Other | Average Effect Other |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Ring of Basilius | 2 | | | | | | |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Headdress | 8 | | | | | | |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Mekansm | 18 | 15 | 8954 | 597 | 44 | 8954 | |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Vladmir's Offering | 30 | 34 | 735 | 22 | | | |
coL.FLUFFNSTUFF | Chen | Scythe Of Vyse | 51 | | | | | | |
coL.HANNAH_MONTANA | Tidehunter | Magic Wand | 14 | 14 | 1979 | 141 | | | |
coL.HANNAH_MONTANA | Tidehunter | Pipe of Insight | 33 | 6 | 17 | 3 | | | |
coL.HANNAH_MONTANA | Tidehunter | Shiva's Guard | 51 | 4 | 621 | 155 | 5 | 621 | |
coL.ixmike88 | Venomancer | Magic Wand | 16 | 11 | 1426 | 130 | | | |
coL.ixmike88 | Venomancer | Urn of Shadows | 33 | 10 | 3047 | 305 | 2 | 180 | 90 |
coL.ixmike88 | Venomancer | Force Staff | 40 | 3 | | | | | | | Templar_assassin | Bottle | 1 | 40 | 2219 | 55 | 40 | 1243 | 31 | | Templar_assassin | Phase Boots | 7 | 232 | | | | | | | Templar_assassin | Magic Wand | 8 | 15 | 1386 | 92 | | | | | Templar_assassin | Blink Dagger | 14 | | | | | | | | Templar_assassin | Black King Bar | 21 | 5 | | | | | | | Templar_assassin | Desolator | 30 | | | | | | | | Templar_assassin | Scythe Of Vyse | 50 | 2 | | | | | |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Soul Ring | 6 | 25 | 3750 | | | -3750 | |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Magic Wand | 9 | 30 | 2930 | 98 | | | |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Drums of Endurance | 13 | 4 | | | | | |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Black King Bar | 28 | 6 | | | | | |
coL.TC | Dragon_knight | Assault Cuirass | 37 | | | | | | |
EHOME.KingJ | Crystal_maiden | Ring of Basilius | 13 | | | | | | |
EHOME.KingJ | Crystal_maiden | Magic Wand | 18 | 33 | 2428 | 74 | | | |
EHOME.KingJ | Crystal_maiden | Force Staff | 52 | 1 | | | 1 | | |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Bottle | 2 | 55 | 4073 | 74 | 55 | 2281 | 41 |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Ring of Aquila | 7 | | | | | | |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Magic Wand | 8 | 7 | 1245 | 178 | | | |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Ethereal Blade | 28 | 6 | 2212 | 369 | | | |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Black King Bar | 32 | 6 | | | | | |
EHOME.LaNm | Morphling | Butterfly | 46 | | | | | | |
EHOME.QQQ | Enchantress | Magic Wand | 10 | 14 | 1916 | 137 | | | |
EHOME.QQQ | Enchantress | Urn of Shadows | 18 | 8 | 2617 | 327 | | | |
EHOME.QQQ | Enchantress | Drums of Endurance | 39 | | | | | | |
EHOME.QQQ | Enchantress | Force Staff | 52 | 2 | | | | | |
EHOME.Selenegodness\'s Ca | Brewmaster | Magic Wand | 8 | 15 | 2025 | 135 | | | |
EHOME.Selenegodness\'s Ca | Brewmaster | Blink Dagger | 14 | | | | | | |
EHOME.X!~~ | Invoker | Phase Boots | 4 | 187 | | | | | |
EHOME.X!~~ | Invoker | Magic Wand | 15 | 15 | 2580 | 172 | | | |
EHOME.X!~~ | Invoker | Force Staff | 17 | 21 | | | 4 | | |
EHOME.X!~~ | Invoker | Scythe Of Vyse | 30 | 10 | | | | | |
Game.Time | Name | Chat.Message |
52.6 | EHOME.KingJ: | gg |
52.7 | EHOME.QQQ: | gg |
52.7 | coL.TC: | gg |
52.7 | coL.FLUFFNSTUFF: | gg |
52.7 | coL.ixmike88: | gg |
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